About Ivann Choong Metaphysics关于鍾易玄学
Ivann Choong Metaphysics (ICM) is a Modern Chinese Metaphysics Consultancy and Academy based in Singapore.
ICM conduct it’s consultancy and training based on it’s proprietary DUC Methodology derive from the ancient Yi Jing Wisdom.
DUC Methodology seek to help individual and business to Discover (D) their inner strengths and weakness, Understand (U) their decisions to get the best possible outcomes, and Lastly to Control (C) Their external environment to attract positive and dispel negative.
掘。解。握理论帮助个人和企业发掘 (掘) 其内在强项和弱点,了解 (解) 他们的决策,以获得最佳结果,最后掌握 (握) 其外部环境以吸引正能量和排除负能量。